What We Do

Real Estate to the Rescue raises funds via fundraising events, sponsorships and individual giving which are used to support smaller rescues and shelters throughout the Chicagoland area. We donate to allow these rescue groups to continue their mission of pulling animals in need from at-risk situations and placing them in foster or adoptive homes.
Community Outreach
Real Estate to the Rescue works in conjunction with other organizations to provide funding and volunteers for free Veterinary and Chip and Tag events held in underserved neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area.
Animal Welfare Advocacy
We believe in the more progressive models of animal sheltering that follow the No Kill model. In support of that model, we advocate for legislation at all levels of government that will advance animal welfare and lead to fewer animals killed in our community.

Who We Help
- A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter
- Alliance Humane Action
- American Heartline Humane
- Anderson Animal Shelter
- Animal Education and Rescue
- Animal House Shelter
- Barriers Against Repeated Cruelty
- Chicago Animal Advocates
- Chicago Bully Breed
- Child and Pet Relief Fund
- DogaHOWlicks Rescue
- Don't Bully My Breed
- Famous Fido
- Guardians of the Green Mile
- Lost Dog Illinois-Chip & Tag Events
- Niles Animal Hospital
- North Chicago Animal Control
- North Star Wisconsin Dog Rescue & Advocacy
- Northwest Rescue Team
- One Tail at a Time
- Peace for Pits
- Perfect Paws Animal Rescue
- Pitties in Need
- Serendipittie Rescue
- The Mothers in the Mills
- The Promise of Love
- Veterinary Specialty Center
- Wags to Wishes
- Woof Gang Rescue
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